
The fire faded, and fading. No wood to bestow any strength.

I will tolerate the cold for a night.

Summer twilight across the forest.

No need to risk seeing the night parade.


Been playing Nioh 2 and been in the yokai spirit. Header image from “Hyakki Yagyō” by Kawanabe Kyōsai from the wikipedia article on the Hyakki Yagyō “Night Parade of One Hundred Demons”.


Absent minded moth

One eye on the candle, no heed to the ink well

That is enough writing for the day

Abandon myself in the moon lit maple leaves


A moth landed in my cup of tea a few days ago, inspiring this. Poor moth, never had a chance.


Gif from Sekiro

Sudden wind sneaks up on the only tree in the yard.

Waves upon waves of blazing red

Tumble and tumbling.

Lost in crimson, I forget where I placed the rake.


I like maple leaves.